How issuers can manage credential revocation

Spherity has developed an Ethereum-based credential revocation mechanism for use in the US pharmaceutical supply chain I have previously written about the importance of managing a registry of trusted issuers in the context of enterprise Self-sovereign Identity (SSI). A […]

3… 5… next. – Say what?!

Personally, I have grown tired of the abundant use of the word trust in blockchain and SSI-related articles, explainers and ads. Not only does it feel heavily overused, the way I have come to understand SSI-related tech […]

Tech storytelling

Since I plunged myself into the SSI world not too long ago, I’ve been both a learner within a new professional area and increasingly someone trying to explain what I do to others. Unsurprisingly, in both roles […]

Decentralised adult education

I care a lot about adult education because I’m a life-long learner. Having gone through a fair bit of academic, professional as well as continuous informal and unstructured learning, I have begun thinking about the topic from […]

COVID-19 test kits

It seems that after an initial frenzy at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when seemingly almost any old test could somehow make it on the market (check out the April news review for comments on quality issues), […]

Supply chain innovation with blockchain

Optimising supply chain management provides several tremendous use cases for blockchain applications. Below is a quick summary of two very informative blockchain discussions on supply chain transformation that provide some useful overviews across different industries and various […]